Monday, September 14, 2020

Garcia SPN2 1st Block Lesson Plans Week 5 (9/14-9/18)


SPN2: GARCIA                       Lesson Plans                        WEEK 9/14-9/18 

                                                   WEEK 5



Writing /Listening

(Common Core)




Demonstrate listening/speaking and viewing standards


Student Goals

·        Discuss and plan a vacation

·        Describe a hotel

·        Talk about how I feel

·        Talk about the seasons and the weather


Student Objective:

Students will create PPT (with a partner)that will describe a trip to a Spanish speaking country .Rubric will be provided by the teacher and will incorporate mastery of the grammar concept  and  El viaje vocabulary learned in the unit.

1. Calentamiento: (WU)

WU Week #4 & 5


2. Activation

La Playa


3.  Class Work:

Start working of Las vacaciones Vocabulario

Descubre 1 Unidad 5 Las vacaciones

Descubre 1 Book Vocabulario


4. Closing session

Kahoot it – Las vacaciones vocabulario


5.. Tarea

Relajarse con su familia y amigos



Demonstrate listening/speaking and viewing standards


Student Goals

·        Discuss and plan a vacation

·        Describe a hotel

·        Talk about how I feel

·        Talk about the seasons and the weather


Student Objective:

Students will create PPT (with a partner)that will describe a trip to a Spanish speaking country .Rubric will be provided by the teacher and will incorporate mastery of the grammar concept  and  El viaje vocabulary learned in the unit.

1. Calentamiento: (WU)

TTT pick one box and work on it individually

WU Week #4 & 5



2. Activation

Irregular Yo form song


3.  Class Work:

4. Closing session

Kahoot it with Irregular “yo” form or go over worksheet


5.. Tarea

Practice conjugating the Irregular “yo” form








Las vacaciones vocabulario

Play game to remember vocabulario




Demonstrate listening/speaking and viewing standards


Student Goals

·        Discuss and plan a vacation

·        Describe a hotel

·        Talk about how I feel

·        Talk about the seasons and the weather


Student Objective:

Students will create PPT (with a partner)that will describe a trip to a Spanish speaking country .Rubric will be provided by the teacher and will incorporate mastery of the grammar concept  and  El viaje vocabulary learned in the unit.

1. Calentamiento: (WU)

TTT pick one box and work on it individually

WU Week #4 & 5



2. Activation

Stem Changing verb rap


Boot Verb in Spanish


3.  Class Work:

  • Stem changer grammar concept
  • Video Lesson


E to ie  (video) Stem Changing Verbs PPT E to EI Worksheet


O to UE (video) O to UE Worksheet


E to I (video) E to I worksheet

  • Teacher create worksheet with the stem changer grammar verbs

4. Closing session

Kahoot it with stem changer grammar or


5.. Tarea

Practice conjugating the stem changer grammar



Demonstrate listening/speaking and viewing standards


Student Goals

·        Discuss and plan a vacation

·        Describe a hotel

·        Talk about how I feel

·        Talk about the seasons and the weather


Student Objective:

Students will create PPT (with a partner)that will describe a trip to a Spanish speaking country .Rubric will be provided by the teacher and will incorporate mastery of the grammar concept  and  El viaje vocabulary learned in the unit.

1. Calentamiento: (WU)

TTT pick one box and work on it individually

WU Week #4 & 5



2. Activation

Stem Changing verb rap


Boot Verb in Spanish


3.  Class Work:

Las vacaciones prueba

  • Stem changer grammar concept
  • Video Lesson


E to ie  (video) Stem Changing Verbs PPT E to EI Worksheet


O to UE (video) O to UE Worksheet


E to I (video) E to I worksheet

  • Teacher create worksheet with the stem changer grammar verbs

4. Closing session

Kahoot it with stem changer grammar or las vacaciones vocabulario


5.. Tarea

Practice conjugating the stem changer grammar