
Syllabus for Spanish III
Sra. Garcia

Welcome to your modern language class!  This course is designed to increase your proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing in Spanish. The Level III language course focuses on the continued development of communicative competence in the target language and understanding of the culture(s) of the people who speak the language. It assumes that the students have successfully completed a Level II course or are at a Novice-Mid level of proficiency.


            SOURCE                                                                                                           PERCENTAGE
            Reading/ Listening/ Class Participation                                                                 25%
            Quizzes/ Writing/ Speaking                                                                                 20%
            Tests/Performance Tasks                                                                                   25%
            Homework                                                                                                        15%    
            Final Exam/SLO                                                                                                  
            Total                                                                                                                 100%   


Text:    Descubre 2 & Realidades 3 A class set will be available in the classroom, however students will not be allowed to bring the books home.

Materials needed each day:
Composition notebook, 3-ring binder, dividers, plenty of notebook paper, and pens/pencils, highlighters

(SUGGESTED) Notebook organization:
The very FIRST PAGE in your notebook should be this syllabus.  
            Label your dividers-… IN SPANISH!
a.     PRÁCTICA – daily work/ HW/ audio/ video
b.     APUNTES – class notes
c.     VOCABULARIO – vocab lists


  • A student has as many days as he or she has been absent to make up any missed assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain, complete and hand in make-up work in a timely manner.
  • Any homework not turned in the day it is due will not be accepted the following day.  After the due date, the assignment will count as a zero.
  • Missed quizzes and tests must be made up before or after school. It is your responsibility to schedule make up tests with me in a timely manner.


1.     Be in your seat, ready to work when class begins. Homework out, book open.
2.     Be respectful of your classmates (learning a new language is difficult, but everyone should feel comfortable in this classroom).
3.     Do NOT use Spanish translators from the internet (or native speakers) to do any of your classwork or homework.
4.     If you ever get confused or have questions… come see me! I am here to help you whenever you need it.


As outlined in the North Cobb HS Student Handbook.

Georgia Standards - Skills Developed in Level III

Strand: Connections, Comparisons, Communities 

MLIII.CCC1               Students will reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between the target language and other subject areas including language arts, science, history, social science, mathematics, physical education, health, and/or the arts.
 MLIII.CCC1.a            Understand the role of major contemporary and historical figures and events from the culture(s) studied.
MLIII.CCC1.b            Relate topics studied in other subject areas to those studied in the target language class.
MLIII.CCC1.c                             Recognize how the viewpoints of people in countries where the target language is spoken are reflected in their
practices and products, such as political systems, art, architecture, music, and literature.  
MLIII.CCC2               Students will investigate similarities and differences that exist within and among the cultures studied.
MLIII.CCC2.a                             Discuss the influence of events and issues on the relationships between countries where the target language is spoken and the students’ own culture.
 MLIII.CCC2.b                           Compare and contrast social conventions of the target cultures with the students’ own culture.
 MLIII.CCC2.c                            Compare aspects of the cultures studied, such as language, clothing, foods, dwellings, and recreation, with the students’ own culture. 
MLIII.CCC3               Students will strengthen knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of increasingly complex elements of the target language.
MLIII.CCC3.a                             Demonstrate understanding that language and meaning do not transfer directly from one language to another.
MLIII.CCC3.b                            Demonstrate understanding that vocabulary, linguistic structures, and tense usage in English differ from those of the language studied.  
MLIII.CCC4               Students will improve language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes.
MLIII.CCC4.a                             Extend target language skills and cultural knowledge through the use of media, entertainment, and technology.
MLIII.CCC4.b                            Locate and use resources in the target language, such as individuals and organizations accessible through the community or the Internet, to reinforce 

Strand: Cultural Perspectives, Practices and Products

MLIII.CU1                 Students will understand and discuss perspectives, practices, and products of the cultures studied and how they are interrelated.
MLIII.CU1.a                             Participate in real or simulated cultural events.
MLIII.CU1.b                              Discuss patterns of behavior typically associated with culture(s).
MLIII.CU1.c                              Investigate the role of geography in the history and development of the culture(s) studied.  

Strand: Communication (Interpersonal) 

MLIII.IP1                  Students will exchange spoken and written information and ideas in the target language, with some originality and spontaneity, utilizing cultural references where appropriate.
MLIII.IP1.a                                Express needs and desires.
MLIII.IP1.b                               Share feelings and emotions.
MLIII.IP1.c                                Exchange opinions and preferences.
MLIII.IP1.d                               Give detailed descriptions.
MLIII.IP1.e                               Give and follow detailed directions and instructions.
MLIII.IP1.f                                Ask questions and provide responses on topics and events found in a variety of print and non-print sources.  
MLIII.IP2                  Students will initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in the target language, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations.
MLIII.IP2.a                                Participate in extended oral and written activities reflecting the present.
MLIII.IP2.b                               Begin to participate in oral and written activities reflecting the future and past.
MLIII.IP2.c                                Exchange information through conversations, notes, letters, or e-mail on familiar topics.
MLIII.IP2.d                               Use paraphrasing, some circumlocution, and body language to convey and comprehend messages.
MLIII.IP2.e                               Begin to self-correct.
MLIII.IP2.f                                Demonstrate Novice-High to Intermediate-Low proficiency in oral and written exchanges with respect to proper pronunciation, intonation, and writing mechanics.  

Strand: Communication (Interpretive) 

MLIII.INT1                Students will understand spoken and written language on newly acquired and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
MLIII.INT1.a              Identify main ideas and supporting details from a variety of sources.
MLIII.INT1.b             Understand culturally authentic materials and information.
MLIII.INT1.c                             Demonstrate comprehension of current events and issues presented through print and electronic media.
MLIII.INT1.d             Follow instructions given in the target language.
MLIII.INT1.e             Understand simple connected discourse.
MLIII.INT1.f                              Demonstrate Novice-High to Intermediate-Low proficiency in listening and reading comprehension.  

Strand: Communication (Presentational) 

MLIII.P1                   Students will present information orally and in writing using familiar and newly- acquired vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in increasingly complex sentences and strings of sentences.
MLIII.P1.a                                 Summarize and communicate main ideas and supporting details from a variety of authentic language materials.
MLIII.P1.b                                Produce brief oral presentations in the present with increasing proficiency, using visual and technological support as appropriate.
MLIII.P1.c                                 Write short, organized compositions in the present with increasing accuracy, using visual and technological support as appropriate.
MLIII.P1.d                                Begin to prepare presentations in the past and future.
MLIII.P1.e                                Demonstrate Novice-High to Intermediate-Low accuracy in oral and written presentations with respect to proper pronunciation, intonation, and writing mechanics. 
MLIII.P2                   Students will present student-created as well as culturally authentic stories, poems, and/or skits in the target language.
MLIII.P2.a                                 Prepare and present culturally authentic poetry, skits or stories.
MLIII.P2.b                                Prepare and present original essays, poetry, skits, or stories in the target language.

New Semester Information
Spanish III - Sra. Garcia


Please read this syllabus handout as it contains vital information to the Spanish class this semester and will assist in a successful learning experience.

The school sends home report cards every six weeks.  However, you have access to grades online at any time to find out grades on individual assignments in addition to the homework and test average. I encourage you to check this often.  

To contact me you may email me from the North Cobb HS website or send a note directly to my school email address: or send a letter with your child to school to be hand delivered to me.

There will be times when I will need to get in touch with you as well, if you would be so kind as to provide the best way to reach you through the following information, it would be most helpful. Please print clearly.

Please print clearly

Student’s name:             _________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian’s name(s): ______________________________________________________________

Daytime phone(s):         _________________________________________________________________

Parent Email address(es): ________________________________________________________________


Please list below any questions or comments that I may address at this time or information that I should know about your student.  

Please sign below if you have read, understood and discussed with your child the syllabus and expectations.

Signature:  ______________________________________             Date:  __________________

This sheet needs to be completed and turned in; it will be counted as 100% of your first homework grade; if you wish to receive a free homework pass (one of several opportunities this year) you may bring 2 items from the list below:

1 bottle of hand sanitizer
1 box of tissues
1 box of cleaning wipes
1 box of adhesive bandages
1 pack of markers