Sunday, August 16, 2020

Garcia- SPN3 - Sra. Garcia Virtual Classroom Important Information


Spanish 3

!Bienvenidos a la clase de Sra. Garcia!! Teaching gives me the opportunity to positively motivate my students and show them a world of new possibilities. We learn about Cultures, the advantages of learning Spanish and how they can use and apply their knowledge into real life scenarios. In the process we have tons of fun.

As we move toward online instruction, the following steps need to be taken on your behalf.  You are responsible to join REMIND 101 by Monday 8/17/20 (follow the instructions below). In addition, we will create an account to the following resources throughout the week with my help. You will  create an account on VHL Learning (link and instructions below), create a QUIZLET account, create a FLIPGRID account.  This can be a bit overwhelming, but we will work together as a class to make sure you have access to the resources needed to be successful in Spanish 2.

Communication methods with Sra. Garcia –

IMPORTANT to sign up for REMIND before Monday 8/17/20

I. Remind101 (please join/sign up ASAP)

·       Text to 81010

@ 9423f8

II. VHL Learning

·       create an account

·       enroll in course

·       under select school look for/ type North Cobb High School

·       then press select

·       Find Descubre 1 2017 (book) & Descubre 2 2017 (book) yes both online books!

·       Scroll down until the very bottom and find Garcia, Brenda

·       Click on the enroll button

III. Flipgrid 9: To join Flipgrid:

·       Garcia-SPN3- 2nd Block (code: garcia7055)

·       Garcia-SPN3- 3rd Block (code: garcia1201)

IV. Quizlet

·       Quizlet Account: To review vocabulary definitions and grammar concepts

III. Communication methods with Sra. Garcia

·       Sra. Garcia’s email


IV. If NO access to CTLS:  (only if you have NO access to CTLS)

·       Sra. Garcia blog (need to check every day for daily instructions) if no access to CTLS   Make sure you look for SPAN3 plans


·       A ZOOM link will be sent via Remind (it is extremely important that students join Remind)

Atentamente,  Sra. Garcia